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Regular Savings

An easy way to build financial security. A savings account can help you meet your personal savings goals.

dad and boy soccer ball

Membership Share Account

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  • Membership share costs $5 to become a member
  • Direct deposit available
  • Automatic transfers from checking to savings


Additional Share Accounts

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There are many additional savings accounts members can open for their own personal savings goals. Examples include birthday, car, emergency, holiday, home, honeymoon, insurance, college, retirement, taxes, and utilities.

  • No minimum balance
  • Direct deposit available
  • Automatic transfers from checking to savings


How much can I save over time?

Initial Investment:
Deposit Frequency:
Deposit Amount:
Interest Rate:
Years to Save:
Future Value:
Interest Earned:

The $5 minimum deposit into the membership share account establishes membership. At the credit union’s annual meeting, primary members over the age of 18 have the privilege to (1) volunteer for the board of directors, (2) vote for directors, and (3) vote for supervisory committee members. In addition, all products and services provided by the credit union become available to members (qualifications do apply in certain cases). 

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